Long Lengths Courier Delivery Service

Long Lengths Delivery Service
Long lengths, either palletised or loose, delivered the Same Day, Next Day or on a Nominated Day courier delivery service.
Long lengths come in many forms, and obviously different lengths, so whether they are loaded onto my LWB panel van loose, or are crated or palletised, I can accommodate all manner of lengths up to 4 metres long.
Should the lengths be crated or palletised, then due to being loaded into a panel van, then a forklift truck with extended forks would be required at both the collection point and delivery address.
If the long lengths can be loaded, but there isn’t a forklift at the delivery point, then I am prepared to handball them off, with help.
Long lengths that are loaded individually, will, if required, be laid on blankets and then as with all loads, strapped down securely, as can be seen in my gallery.